Monday, August 24, 2009

New Blogging experience

I was introduced to "blog" today, it's a great tool to exchange ideas and or teaching materials, I hope!!!
I need to browse through the different aspects of this great tool before I can decide how user friendly it is and how much I'll use it.


  1. Hi Soheir,
    yes it does seem to be a great tool, but quite complicated ... but then so was email when we first tried to master it. I want to run before I can crawl.

  2. Hello Soheir, Thanks for your ideas and enthusiasm.

    Some teachers use blogs for their teaching, but it's not for everyone. Some prefer a wiki, or a "learning management system" like TafeVC.

    It depends what you want to use it for, doesn't it? i use blogging for my own professional development, sharing ideas and resources.

    Regards, michael
